Saturday, April 23, 2011

NOLA nutrition failure

A couple more race pics from last weekend.

rockin the arm warmers

I think I can, I think I can.....

There is good nutrition info posted by some companies that make nutrition drinks.  In reviewing the info, it's obvious I didn't take in enough calories.

Accelerade (Pacific Labs) has a free nutrition handbook , Hammer has The Endurance Athlete's Guide to Success (and many other articles), Infinit .has an article on run calorie needs and another for bike calories needs (and many others)  Pacific Labs recommends replacing 30% of your calories burned and gives some formulas.  It says I burned 3000 calories on the bike and should have replaced 900.  I actually took in 400.  It says I burned 1500 calories on the run and should have taken in 450 calories.  I actually took in just over 100.  Here is the chart from the Pacific Labs handbook.

From Accelerades nutrition handbook

The Hammer Guide says to take in 240-280 calories per hour so about 1250 for me, I took in just over 500.  Infinite's run guide says I burned 1300 calories and should have taken in 400 calories. Infinite's cycling guide says I burned 2200 calories and should replace 660 to 1100.

All these endurance products are expensive!  Anyone from these companies want to sponsor me? I'll put your logo on my widely read blog :-)

Speaking of nutrition, I made some hummus tonight.  Yum!  Here is the recipe I used.


  1. Thanks for the comment Mike. So true that we always have time to be the best we can be! Gosh, I need to be way better at fueling properly on my endurance runs! I don't think I ever do. I always power up afterwards though. Hammer makes a great Glutamine recovery drink that I love. Thanks for the hummus recipe.

  2. I try to take a gel every 20 minutes = 360ish calories an hour. (that is 7 on the bike and about 4 on the run - plus 1 in each transition = 12 gels = 1440 calories).

    I have a cast iron stomach but sometimes I lose track!

  3. Looking at the top picture, are those real arm warmers? Or your sock ones? I was thinking about that today because I have a hole in my purple socks from the adventure race, so they may be repurposed as arm warmers for the marathon. :)

    I know I've seen articles online and in magazines about real-food substitutes for some of the nutrition products. Maybe you can figure out some of those to balance out the costs.

    I've just gone with the GU every 45 minutes or so on the longer runs. So far it's been ok for me.

    Love the medal!

  4. Hey Mike! Yeah, you didn't take in NEARLY enough calories. I race at 105 pounds, consider myself a "light eater" on the bike and still eat 220-225 calories per hour.

    I'm SURE that's why you shut down on the run. I find if I eat well on the bike, I can eat very little on the run (GI issues when I have more than 1/2 a Gu every 45 minutes) and not bonk.
