Friday, June 3, 2011

Life is short....

This is a tough post for me.  This isn't about my selfish triathlon journey (for a change).  This post is about my friend Dave.

Dave passed away this week.  We are the same age, similar backgrounds, similar interests, etc.  We worked together at a couple start up companies over the last 10 years where we went through many trying times together.  Working at a startup company means late nights against aggressive deadlines, operating under sleep deprivation, while always worrying about staying in business.  Dave always had a great attitude, strong work ethic, great ideas, and get it done no matter what mentality.  Dave was the real deal.

Dave blogged his battle with cancer here.  He leaves his wife and two children behind plus lots of family and friends.  The visitation is Sunday and I don't do well at visitations or funerals for people I know.  I get all choked up and can't really even spit out a sentence without crying.  I don't cry often, but in situations like this, I cry like a baby.  Luckily Cheryl is going with me so if I can't speak she can cover for me.

Good Night Dave.......................


  1. Oh, Mike, I'm sorry. How very sad. I'll keep his family and friends in my prayers.

    I know what you mean about visitations/funerals. I'm not a big crier, but I start up the minute I walk through the doors of a funeral home, even if I didn't know the person and am just along for moral support.

  2. I am so very sorry Mike. Thoughts are with well as his family. Life is to short.....and something to be cherished through every moment. I mourn your loss of a friend as well. Hugs

  3. Very sorry to hear about your friend Take care.

  4. Sorry to hear about your friend. Funerals are tough.

  5. Thinking of you. This is just so wrong...children without fathers, wives without husbands. The world losing great men. I'm so sorry, Mike.

  6. Oh man, sorry about this. Hope you are able to get a little comfort out of today's visitation.

  7. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope you are able to find some comfort and peace.

    Effing cancer.
