Sunday, November 27, 2011

South America part 2

I stayed over a weekend on one trip and decided to walk up a hill near the hotel to the Hard Rock Cafe in Belo Horizonte.  The road up was desolate (so I worried about being kidnapped :-)).  I wasn't and the view at the top was incredible.  Here are some pics from my walk.

View from the hotel.
The tower in the upper left corner is the Hard Rock Cafe, I walked up the road on the right.

Right outside the hotel
Left turn outside the hotel. It's safe, right?

Walking up the dirt path

It was a steep hill

Belo Horizonte is a big city

I think that two tone building about in the middle is my hotel

After visiting the Hard Rock cafe I made a loop through part of town.  I'll show those pictures in the next installment.


  1. wow!! Great pics! Can't wait to see the next batch.

  2. Great pics. Too me, South & Central America is one of the last places that truly seems "foreign" to me.

  3. Thanks for sharing, please be very careful.
