Saturday, December 17, 2011

2012 race schedule

I started this post November 9th and have been so indecisive, I'm just now posting it (and I'm still not done......). I almost titled this post, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" since I can't find an early season 70.3 that really works for me. I also feel like a slug when I re-read my off season plans. Without a big race scheduled, I just don't have the motivation to get on the trainer (that is changing today!).  I have been running 18-20 miles a week, shy of my 30 mpw goal, but way better than being a couch potato.

I'm struggling to get my 2012 race season scheduled.  I would like to do a 70.3 or two and would really like to do a full Ironman.  My cousin Len is doing IMC in late August.  He has been a big inspiration for me getting in to triathlons, so it would be really cool to do IMC with him.  The hitch is it's 2000+ miles away and sold out except for foundation slots, read $1200 entry fee (I need a sponsor :-)).  There is another full Ironman that same day in Louisville Kentucky which is about 6 hours from my house.  It isn't sold out, but the downside is the heat and humidity (and it's not as beautiful as BC).  It's been in the mid-nineties many times making the marathon a death march.  Yet another choice is Rev3 in Sandusky, OH which is about 9 hours from my house.  I haven't given up on doing an IM this year yet.  I'll decide by January 1st.

So here is my 2012 Race schedule so far (updated 1/2/2012)

January 28th - virtual 5k - check out Adam's blog.  He's pretty funny.
April 15th - half marathon - St. Louis, MO - maybe ($80 seems steep for a hm)
May 5th - 52 mile ride - Mount Pleasant, MO - maybe ($85)
May 13th - Sprint - Effingham, IL - registered ($70)
May 20th - Oly - Carlyle, IL - registered ($65)
June 24th - Sprint - Cohassett, MA - registered ($90)
July 22th - Door County, WI HIM - registered ($190)
August - ??
September - ??
October 7th - Private HIM?
October 21st RnR half Marathon St. Louis - registered (half off 11/11/11 $55)

Time to start training......


  1. That's a great schedule...and busy. It's nice to have goals isn't it. I feel lost without them! I wish I would have tried to sign up for IMC sooner. Think you can get a sponsor?:) (that'd be perfect!)

  2. It's definitely shaping up to be a good year for you. I agree that $80 for a half is an awful lot of money. It would be so cool to see you do an IM...I hope you get a sponsor/figure out one that'll work for you. What happened to no marathon? ;) I know...I know...

    I entered Adam's race, too. Since no one has picked on me lately, I may have to actually run it instead of just pirating and photoshopping someone else's race report.

  3. Yeah for figuring out the 2012 schedule!

  4. Wow, your going all over the place, that is freaking cool.

    Muncie is the week before Racine, maybe thats an option if you want something earlier.

  5. The Denver RnR was $110 by the time I got around to registering (3 weeks before) - which is absolutely insane, but I ate the cost of 8 races in 2010 and early 2011 so didn't want to register too early and have something happen. Again.
    But you have a fantastic race schedule....excited for you and can't want to see it all play out. I hope the full tri works out for you, too...something I've pondered, but the hefty price tag is a bit out of my race budget next year... maybe the year after, we'll see. I pondered Louisville, too, and wondered about the weather. Good to know it'd kill me, I'd better stay clear of that one :).
