Saturday, December 10, 2011

Secret Santa

I signed up for a secret Santa gift exchange this year over at Jill's blog.  Cheryl thinks it's strange that I have a secret Santa over the internet.  Oh well, I don't get Pinterest either :-).  Anyway, I received my gift today, the travel size version of "The Stick", thanks!
I was seriously considering ordering one of these for when I travel to help with a recurring knot in one of my calves, so it's perfect!   I didn't get a note revealing the senders identity, so whoever sent it, thanks!

I'm still working on getting my package together to mail out to the lucky person that drew my name :-).


  1. Awwww, man...I better get on it for my secret Santa. Who had you?

  2. Duh. Should've read more carefully. :P

  3. Oh that sounds so fun! I hope I can get in the mix for a blog secret santa next year. Enjoy your stick. :)

  4. the stick is pretty awesome...

  5. WOW! Your Secret Santa worked fast! Did you find out who it was from? I hope they told!

    I'd love a travel sized stick...just for my car for when I'm stuck at a red light!

  6. Oh, duh here, too! Ok people, WE NEED TO IDENTIFY OURSELVES WHEN WE MAIL THE GIFT!!

    I'd better get a blog post up about that!

  7. When I saw you were my Secret Blogger Buddy, I immediately knew exactly what I was going to get you because I know how much you travel. I never leave home without my travel-sized Stick.

    Sorry about leaving you in suspense, I realized after I'd placed the order that I forgot to actually reveal myself!

  8. That's perfect! Nice gift from your very Secret Santa:)

  9. That is WAY cool! I would love a travel stick! You had an awesome Secret Santa. I wish I had been as cool as yours :P
