Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 goals

Last year I never posted my goals but decided to do it this year.  I like to keep the list small to increase the chance of hitting them by focusing (or increasing the chance of crashing and burning and missing them all :-)).   So here they are along with my plan.

Goal #1 -  Go sub-6 at Door County Half Iron July 22nd.  
How? - Follow my plan.  I used Gale Bernhardt plan last year and it seemed to work well.  I cut back on the swimming to prevent shoulder injury and didn't do the strength training because I don't like to do it because I'm weak.  Kind of sad, I don't like doing strength training because I'm weak yet I'm weak because I don't do strength training.  I do have a plan to help with the strength training though, I joined an extreme fitness class at the Y that starts tonight. The description is "triathlon and marathon training program focusing on endurance and functional strength using different elements of land and water" Yikes! I can barely do 2 sets of 10 push ups and haven't done sit ups for years (practically never). This is going to hurt!

I put the Gale Bernhardt plan in a Google spreadsheet so I can access it anywhere.  You can check it out here. Let me know if I missed some code descriptions.

Goal #2 - Go sub 1:45 at the RnR half marathon St. Louis October 21st.
This one is a real stretch considering my PR is 1:55 and some change.
How? - Get my mileage up to 30 miles per week and add in some speed/tempo work.  It's likely I'll have to cut back my biking after the HIM and bump up the mileage further in August and September.

Goal #3 - Lose 10 pounds by May 20th (Carlyle Oly)
I'm carrying around an extra 15 pounds (maybe 20) and losing some weight will help with goal #1 and #2.
How? - I've never counted calories and I don't plan to start.  I'm going to cut out some of the empty calories I'm taking in.  To do this, I need to go to bed earlier (which should help me resume my morning person quest) to avoid that evening drink which often leads to some evening chips or ice cream.  I'm not cutting that stuff out all together, I do have to live a little after all, I'm just cutting back.  I'm also going to cut back on going out to lunch.  The lunch portions at restaurants are enough for two people and I eat way more than half.  I plan to have a salad for lunch at least two days a week.  I'll be tracking my weight for the first time ever here.

Whenever I think of weight loss, I think of this funny Peyton Manning commercial.  Enjoy......


  1. That is an awesome pep talk. But don't listen to Peyton. You can drop those pounds. The eating out less helps a lot - and then you can enter another race with the savings! Good solid goals. Someday I'll have to build up to even doing those longer distances.

  2. Ugh...push ups. When I was doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women program, I loved it because it told me exactly what to do. Pictures and all. I always hated being at the gym with the steriod-boy types, though.

    Sub 1:45 would be awesome. So would losing 10 pounds. I'm quite sure you have a far better chance at both than me.

    Good luck with your goals. Can't wait to see you reach them!

  3. I was considering the Gale Bernhardt plan for a HIM. Sounds like the plan worked for you. I need to find something pretty soon. My HIM is June 2.

  4. Like the goals

    There is a chance I might be at one of your races this year by chance

  5. Good luck with the goals - stretch but doable!

  6. Good luck on your 2012 goals! I bet the extreme fitness classes will help with all 3 of your goals you have listed here.

  7. Great goals! I like the half goal and I bet you can do it with the planned speed work :)

    The manning video- Haha!! He didn't add the having 3 kids part though.

  8. Have at it, Mike. It's a leap year so you get an extra day. Totally doable.

  9. Love your goals...Go get 'em! :) And your comment tonight made me laugh out loud. You're right...beaver jokes never get old. :)

  10. I was doing the "100 pushup challenge" last year when I was injured and couldn't run. I think I got to about 38 and then just couldn't get over that hump. So I quit. I should get back on that again - ugh.

    I'm reading the book "Wheat Belly" - you should pick it up, I think you'd find it interesting. The guy is a doctor who wrote it and his wife is a big triathlete and it basically talks about the evils of wheat and how it's making us fat. I'm sold.

    Love your goals and I hope nothing but tons of happy, healthy miles for you this year! Can't wait to see your amazing journey!

  11. I really like the way you set up your spreadsheet. I might try something similar. Great goals!

  12. Wow....some great goals Mike!
    I plan my races but it seems as that is as far as I go with goal setting. (guess thats just race planning;)

  13. Rats, I can't see the video and I love Peyton!!

    I'll be really curious to see how you do on Goal #2. We have nearly the same HM PR (mine is 1:54:04). I've thought about trying to go for a sub-1:50, but it's scary because it'll hurt! :)

  14. we don't have anything in common, yet you do inspire me. maybe it's an opposites attract kinda thing!!

    maybe i should set some goals. i'll think on that ;)

  15. I just stumbled onto your blog looking for google doc/sheets training plans. I'm using Bernhardt's plan for first half-ironman this July. Going to explore more of your blog...Thanks!
