Thursday, March 22, 2012

And the next injury is..............

Knees :-(.  My knees have been aching more and more the last few weeks and while the intentions to ice every night have been there, the follow through certainly hasn't been.  Saturday I had a great hour and forty minute run in the woods and felt great.  In fact, I was thinking of the words of a song "somethings gotta go wrong cuz I'm feelin' way too damn good".  So true....

Saturday I had an awesome 40 mile ride and my knees did ache quite a bit during the ride.  I was stupid and just kept pushing and held 20+ mph for a significant portion of the ride and even raced a guy (I won, I don't think he knew it was a race :-)).  Afterwards, no ice.  Monday night was another 15 mile ride during which I tried to hold 20+ mph as much as possible (and did).  Afterward? Yep, no ice.  Tuesday morning was a hard 12x400 at the track.  Yep, no ice afterward.  Wednesday morning at work I was walking down the hall and started having sharp pain in my right knee.  The pain was severe enough I was hobbling around and wincing the rest of the day.  Guess what?  I bought zip lock bags at lunch and started icing.  The sharp pain now comes and goes while walking seemingly at random times though the frequency is reducing.

The pain is just below my knee cap on both legs with the right being worse than the left (outside leg on the track) but they both ache all the time kind of like my shoulder's ache when I swim too much.  After some self diagnosis I have patellar tendinitis (jumper's knees).  So, I'm going to back off for a couple days then see what happens.

Set backs are bummers but when you are in your mid forties trying to be an endurance athlete, things happen.  I've been really happy with my training volume so far this year too.  Except for when I was traveling, my weekly time and mileage has been decent.

The dip the first week in March I was in China

Oh well.  This wasn't the first injury getting into triathlon's and probably won't be the last.  Kind of puts some  doubt in thoughts of trying to do a late season full IM.  We'll see.

Oh, anyone use straps below their knees? If so, is it for this symptom?


  1. My guess is that you're overloading the volume given your strength. Instead of using straps, get going on some strength training...particularly glutes and core would be my recommendation. Oh, and remember that ICE!!!! But of course it's entirely possible that I am talking out my ass.

  2. You know what the problem is, and once your knees are feeling better the trick will be to not repeat it. That's a lot more volume than typical lately, right? This darn nice weather is spoiling us. Anyway, rest up, ice up, and maybe take it a *little* easier when you're back at it. :) Heal quickly, my friend!

  3. Bleh, that is NOT fair! I hope the pain subsides really soon with some rest. And ice!

  4. Hi Mike. Gosh, you're doing a lot! I hope this knee thing mellows out. Raina from Small Town Runner has had some knee issues too..she took a bit of time off and eased back in. Not sure how much time you can afford to rest...always a tricky one.

  5. Ugh what a bummer. I hope a little rest and more ice does the trick for you. I've only worn the ITB strap, which is above the knee. I do believe you're correct though that the one below the knee is for patellar issues.
    Thanks for your long :) comment on the chlorine smell. So much for finding my 'true' hunger. Guess I was starving myself. Ha!

  6. PS: You have word verification...

  7. You should ride with me, low volume and low speed. Your knees will thank you.

  8. Mike, I used those knee strap things a couple of years ago before I got into multisport (too much running + no cross training = bad). I seem to recall that they did help stabilize the knee quite a bit.

  9. My knee problems became permanent and I always run with, at least, some knee pain. Most of the time it is low grade and I can management the pain. Once in a while I tweak it and it hurts like crazy. You are smart enough to back off on it. I wasn't that smart when I first got the pain over two years ago and I now its seems to be permanent.

  10. I'm so glad The Stick is being put to good use! A picture of you rolling the The Great Wall would have been priceless.

    I'm working on the marathon race report right now - I won't leave you hanging for too long.

    The patellar straps do work to ease the pain but more importantly, and I'm sure you already know this, you need to fix whatever biomechanic issues you're dealing with. For me, my knees were going in when I ran and that was causing the pain. After doing exercises to straighten my knees, I no longer needed the strap.

  11. Here's a link to my blog post about the exercises:

  12. It's hard to take the time to ice, stretch etc. until forced. I hope you heal quickly. No fun being laid up!

  13. My instructor did say sleeveless mainly because of constriction and the temp of the water is bearable in her opinion. It is worth the trade. I am worried about my stroke which isn't the best to begin with and being restricted. I am still unsure and have not ordered. I may miss this sale but another will come along.

  14. I popped out (sublexed i believe it is officially called) my patella last may...same leg as my bad hip, and I still have pain from it...sometimes worse than others. but, all of the strengthening exercises we worked on really helped! Quads, hamstrings, glutes...they will take some of the pressure off of the knee if you can strengthen them.

    I know, sounds easy...Pain SUCKS!!! never worn a strap so I can't help ya there...Good Luck...You seem like you are really woring hard!

  15. oooohhh i am a cycle enthusiast as well, 1 mile at a time and 2 mph...haha!! i do love to ride but it's just for pleasure and picture taking. i like when you bring yours along!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sew some ice pockets inside the knees of your pants just like you did with the shirt. And then take the entire outfit to market and make a ton of money which will allow you to reduce your travel schedule which will allow you to train more which you will be able to do because you invented the ice suit and use it all the time.

  18. KT TAPE!!! and Tommie Copper knee sleeves - they save me :)

    seriously I'd just email TC and ask for some to review on your blog.

  19. Thanks for your long reply. I keep hearing about the breakthough swim but can't imagine it at this point. I think I am progressing - well I am - but there is so so much to learn. THere are so many things to think about and I have trouble remembering them all. I came home from my lesson tonight and wrote down the things she wants me to work on before I go again. It is easier in some ways when I am there as she is right there to correct me. But she pushes me way out of my comfort zone and it is hard. When I feel unable to breathe soon enough it really panics me and I think my form - what I have of it - goes out the window. Right now I am working on face being down more to drive my body up, stronger kick and more even rolling if that makes sense. So much to think about. But thanks for the help. I will probably keep bugging you. I have signed up for 8 lessons and figure if it doesn't come then I will sign up for another 8 at some point although probably not right away. I know I can do the distance needed, I am just so slow! And inefficient.

  20. I have heard a LOT of good things about the strap for Runner's knee! I think it's worth a try.

  21. Your knee ache can be effectively identified once the suitable analysing techniques are used. The most appropriate approach to find how to treat knee pain, is after the physician has perfectly diagnosed all the details.
