Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's been a while

Things have been good and busy, I just haven't had much to blog about. Given that I don't blog about work, religion, politics, or family, that leaves training and cooking. With no races on the schedule, traveling a ton, and only running, there isn't much to talk about except that I've run over 100 miles for three months in a row and I'm on track to run 1000 miles this year which is about a 50% increase over last year. I'm probably in the best running shape of my life and am considering signing up for a half marathon in October. The only thing holding me back is the memory of how much my 5 minute half marathon PR hurt last October :-).

As far as cooking goes, I've been cooking out every Sunday and Saturdays I don't run church sound. I've been posting pictures on Instagram. You can see them here but I'll post a couple below anyway.

Last Sunday we drove up the river road along the Mississippi and took the ferry to a little town called Brussels that has a population of 150. We stopped by the visitor center and learned about the quilts of Calhoun county. Pretty sure we made the old lady's day letting her tell us all about it plus going on a tour of the dilapidated building :-). After picking up some pumpkins, we went to the Finn Inn where I had the best catfish ever. I'm not a huge catfish fan but this was deep fried, amazing goodness. If you are ever in Grafton Illinois, check it out. It's the first time we've done something as a family in quite a while.


That's about it. As I type this, I'm in an airplane traveling from Cleveland to St. Louis wondered what I get when I exceed the point scale with Hilton hotel points :-).



  1. I'm dreading next weekend's half marathon. I'm in pretty lousy running shape...maybe I should've signed up for a big bike race so I'd want to run.

  2. I think I get to ride that ferry on my century in a few weeks. Wish I was even half way ready for the ride. I've been absolutely blown away by all your running. I think you could smoke a half marathon now. It would seem easy compared to all the hot/humid runs of last month. I have trouble seeing your instagram photos on my phone, but my tablet is more accommodating. They always make me hungry. Keep up all the great work with the solid running.

  3. Glad to see a post. I love the sound of the ferry, the catfish not so much. I have a half marathon this weekend. The whole experience should be fun but not as much fun as tris.

  4. I grew up on the Mississippi (Davenport) so I love seeing the heart went "ahhhh, home" :).

    Glad to hear you're running's going well and you're on your way to another 1/2 marathon 5 minute PR :). At this rate, you'll be qualifying for the Olympics by the time you're 50! :)

  5. Love the food shots!!! Yummy... You can sure cook :)

    You should sign up for the half! If you are running that much, a PR might be easier and feel better this time. :)

  6. WoW Mike, if you eat all that food, you are going to need to run ;)

    Just kidding of course, you know I love food and I never run, I just pick up the pace in a restaurant parking lot!!

    Everything looks very yummy, you could fry a finger and it would be awesome!!

  7. Looks delicious food! really, coming water in the mouth..
    sounds a nice experience..

  8. If you could use your travel points to sign up for races you would be set!!

    Go for the half marathon. Pain is good for the body ;)

  9. I live for your Instagram shots! Glad to hear running is going so well. You NEED to do that half. They don't hurt that bad when you're in great shape. :)

  10. Mmmm ... now I need scallops!
    Great job with the running! Can't wait to hear about how the half goes!
    Sorry about Cleveland ... again ...
