Sunday, December 8, 2013


What is 100+?

A) The number of nights I've been away from home this year.

B) The number of miles I ran in November.

C) Patrick's asthma awareness efforts.

D) All of the above.


The correct answer is D. I've been in a hotel, condo, cabin, or friend's house about 110 nights so far this year. Crazy.

I hit 100 miles running again in November. That makes five months in a row of 100+ miles!

Besides traveling and running, I have been able to keep my cookouts going strong. I have to admit I'm starting to get the urge to cycle again. I'm thinking about signing up for my first century and if I do this one, it will be a serious challenge. We'll see.

In other news, we got a dusting of snow in St. Louis and the temperature has dropped below freezing. Perfect for trail running!

Hope you all enjoy the Christmas season!



  1. I love the hat! Someone who loves you must have made that...

  2. What pretty lights! I'm in STL, too! On the Illinois side though. Where are your favorite trails???

  3. I always think traveling for work sounds fun but 100 nights or more! Does your wife get to go often? It seemed she was in Chicago with you. I love going away but I really love coming back home. Good job on the 100 mile months.

  4. That ride is no joke from what I've heard, but I'm sure you'd do great.

    Like AJH, I always wish I got to travel for work, but I'm sure it gets old.

    And way to go on the running! You've been a running machine.

  5. Thanks for the Shout Out! I think you got about 95+ more miles than me in November.

  6. That Vino Fondo looks like fun, but we drove that area visiting wineries and the hills are no joke. Really beautiful though

  7. Congrats on some solid running numbers!
    Enjoy your frozen trails :) I am waiting for a heatwave to come thaw out our roads O_o.

  8. Happy holidays Mike.

    Your consistent mileage these past couple months is going to pay off in 2014 when you decide on a race to kill:)Enjoy the rest of the icicle-lashes running.
