Thursday, April 17, 2014

Have a Goal - Need a Plan

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I made it into the Chicago marathon. If all goes well, I'll run my first marathon October 12th, 2014. Now I just need a plan and I have a few questions. Should I run four or five times a week? Should I do strength training and if so, what kind? Should I build up to one, two or three 20 milers? I know a lot depends on my goals. For now my goal is to finish strong and have fun.

After five 100 mile months in a row, a combination of bad weather, work travel and lack of mojo caused a bit of a set back, but I should go into marathon training with a base of about 20-25 miles per week. I looked at my weekly mileage and was surprised by the weekly variation.


At least I'll have something to blog about again :-).


  1. Well, I DO follow you on Instagram but I haven't been on it in weeks I don't think. Like FB (and my blog ;)) I come and go with social media. So I missed the Chicago post but that is super cool - hooray!!

    I am a very firm believer that more is better if you want to perform "well" - but everyone's definition if well is different. Shoot me an email and I'd be happy to offer my opinion.

    Will be good to see you on blogland again more frequently. Um, not that I linger much here either. Ha (but I may actually try. Or not! :))

  2. Without knowing more details it would be hard for any coach in their right mind to give you a plan. Since your only goal appears to be to finish, you can probably just go out to Runners World and other running sites that has canned marathon plans. Choose two or three that have some differences but that you think you can do based on how well you know yourself. Start with one and if everything seems to be going well, stick with it; if not move to a different plan, or modify your chosen plan based on what you have learned. It's OK to switch things up based on the things we learn as we go through our training and increase our mileage. Hope that helps.

  3. I will be there cheering you on! I did Chicago on 3x/week training. But as they say, more is better if you can stand it. Weather willing, you will love the course.

  4. Congrats - we got in through the lotetry as well, but we're going to run the TNF ECSWI instead. So many plans to chose from!

  5. pretty nice blog, following :)

  6. Hey! How's the marathon training going?
