Monday, January 10, 2011

Back Pain (Week 7)

I end up with severe lower back pain occasionally.  When it happens, I hobble around for a few days barely able to stand up straight and I'm very uncomfortable.  I'm pretty sure it is a core strength issue.  After it happens, I resume my back exercises for a while then I slowly stop doing them.  This time I thought I could make the outcome different. 

Last weekend during my long ride and run, I started to get a twinge in my glutes and sides of my thighs.  I figured my back was about to go ,so I started doing my back exercises on Monday and added some planks to my routine.  I did some more exercises Tuesday, so far so good.  Wednesday morning, not so good.  I was running at 5:30 am, about 2 miles from home and my lower back got really tight and hurt.  So tight that I had to start walking.  Hmmm, 5:30 am, no phone, it's 25 degrees out, this is going to be a long, cold walk home.  I decided to lay on the sidewalk (in front of the St. Louis Bread Co,) and stretch my back.  There is hardly any traffic at that time so no one probably noticed, but it was kind of funny.  Anyway, I stretched it out enough and managed to run home.  I kept doing my exercises thinking I could still beat this episode.  Wednesday night I skipped my swim and Thursday morning I skipped my run but my back wasn't that bad.  Thursday night I biked and it still wasn't feeling too bad.  Friday, still not too bad.  I was pretty sure I beat this back episode.  Then Saturday it started getting worse, much worse.  I managed a 2+ hour trainer ride but got off the bike every 45 minutes to stretch my back.  Sunday was supposed to be a long run, but I could hardly walk :-(.  I ended up laying on the floor watching football.

Lesson learned, again..... don't neglect your core.  Hopefully I can get back at it mid-week.

Planned s/b/r hours

Actual s/b/r hours


  1. Do you maybe need to tweak your bike setup? My setup is "as it came from the bike shop", but I've read that being in the wrong--or maybe just not "right" position on a bike can make all the difference. Hope it's feeling better very soon.

  2. Wow, sorry to hear about your back. I agree with Kate though. Did you ever get fit to your bicycle? You said "twinge in my glutes and sides of my thighs."... I used to have similar problem with my hips even and I had to lower my bike seat. Finally no pain and I am comfortable.
    And it also sounds like you get it running also... Do you hit your heel first when you run? Try running hitting your mid-foot first rather than your heel.
    I hope you get well soon!

  3. Yes, link back, 7 things about yourself, tag others if you want to inflict further pain. :)

    I lived in Rockford from 1994-1997, mostly in an apartment in a complex at the corner of Riverside and Rockton. I miss the park system.
