Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 6

Got 8 of 9 workouts in which will probably be my max per week because my shoulder hurts when I swim.  I was really tired Tuesday and Wednesday and I have another cold.  Tiredness and frequent colds are both symptoms of not getting enough protein.  Depending on who you believe, I need somewhere between 90 and 180 grams of protein per day.  That's between three quarters and a pound and a half of beef or chicken per day.  Of course there is also protein in eggs, nuts, yogurt, milk and plenty of other things, but getting 100+ grams of protein isn't easy.  I made some hard boiled eggs to add that for an afternoon snack every day.  I'm also not getting enough sleep.  I plan to correct that starting this week.

I managed to gain 3 pounds over the holidays.  Not bad.  I can only imagine how many I would have gained had I not exercised almost 10 hours last week.  Time to lay off the cheese spread!

I did have a couple mental victories this week.  Saturday I managed an 8.6 mile run outside even though it was cold and windy.  I had no excuse.  I have the cold weather gear I need, I just needed the motivation.  I procrastinated as long as I could, but did manage to get it done.  I was still a little cold.  Running with a cold bottle of water wasn't a good idea.

Sunday I managed a 2.5 hour trainer ride.  That is my longest to date.  All my rides the last month and a half have been on the trainer.  I might need a mini DVD player during New Orleans to mimic my training :-).

I plan to start upping my biking a bit.  I don;t really want to add another workout, so I think I'll just take some time on to my short rides.  Since the race time is roughly 3:2 biking to running, I think the training  hours should be too.

s/b/r hours
Planned 1.33/4.33/4.15
Actual 0.66/5.0/4.1

On to week 7!


  1. Hey, nice job getting in your workouts!

    Wow, that's a lot of protein. I'm generally tired, but for me it's mostly a case of not getting enough sleep.

    I haven't minded the cold weather runs (of course, I haven't run 8+ miles in the cold, either). I always carry a water bottle, but I've been conscious (after the first time) of not bringing an ice cold bottle along. Also, if you hit the GORC trails or the trail by the track stadium (behind the cabin), there's not nearly as much wind.

  2. I the cold is okay on the run - brutal on the bike (I lived in Indiana for a dozen years). Just don't stop moving or you will freeze.

    FYI - New Orleans can be hot and humid in April - read more here -

  3. Noooo on-bike pictures from the trails...don't worry! I can't even take decent pictures running the trails...I wouldn't even try it on the bike. Now, road rides are a different story. :)

  4. here in Malaysia, we always wish we can run in cold weather coz we are 365 days of HOT HOT HOT and HUMID !!! :)
