Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Additional Private HIM details

Well, it's getting close now.  The course maps remain the same and can be found here.  Ryan is still planning on cheering for us (drinking beer and watching football) and I told him transition opens at the same time as the bar, 10 am.  Race starts at 11.  If you need a Y day pass, let me know and I'll take care of it (my wife works there).

Transitions will be in my garage.  Remind me to give everyone the door code in the event Ryan isn't there yet and someone accidentally closes the door.  That would make for a funny DNF story, but wouldn't be too funny at the time :-).  BTW, my house is your house for the race.  With that said, I'm not cleaning or doing anything special :-).

I'll provide water, ice, (and any nutrition I happen to have), orange slices, and pretzels (and any thing in my pantry if you get desperate).  I meant to order some Ironman Perform drink, but never got around to it so if you want a sports drink, the race will be BYOSD.

For dinner, I'm still looking at bacon wrapped fillets, spicy red potatoes and probably stuffed peppers.  If you have any requests let me know.  I could use a dinner count (so I know whether to trim one or two beef tenderloins), so if you plan on making it, please let me know (that includes the non-racers I invited and racer families off course).

If you have any requests or questions, let me know.  If it goes well, maybe we can make it a little bigger event next year.  If not, maybe we'll turn it in to a barbecue instead.


  1. So I had a bad moment on Monday when my cousin told me Oct 2 was THIS Sunday. I totally thought I had two weeks. Lol. Most of my Beeryman soreness is fading, though, so I'll be ready to go Sunday...or, at least, present. :)

  2. Now it's taper time :-). You get dinner and a shirt for being present. How much you complete is up to you. I don't have margaritas though, so if that is your post race drink, you might want to bring some.

  3. If I don't complete the whole thing, I'm going to have to wear my shirt to sleep in. What a waste. I'll just have to suck it up and keep going. :) Dinner sounds AWESOME, btw.

  4. The RD didn't set a cutoff time, so theoretically you could finish the distance over a few days (and thus sport the shirt).
