Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 8 - Marathon Training

So the weeks just keep rolling along. Week 8 of 18 wasn't perfect since I worked 12+ hour days again. The plan this week was 0-4-8-4-0-8-17 and actual was 0-0-7-0-0-17. The last two days would have been17-8 but I drove 11 hours to Navarre Beach Florida for our yearly beach vacation. This is my view while typing this.

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know I got up at 6 am this morning and ran the 17 miles I was supposed to yesterday. This is impressive for me on a couple fronts. First, I'm not a morning person, so for me to get up at 6 am while on vacation, it's something to write about :-). Second, it's humid here. Luckily the temps aren't as hot as it's been in previous years. At 6:45 when I hit the street, it was 77 degrees and 92% humidity. I set off with a bottle of water in my hand and Gatorade in the bottle on my fuel belt. I ran out to the edge of town toward Pensacola,

Looking away from town.

Looking toward town.


then turned around and ran back past our condo and stopped at the gas station to buy another bottle of water and some ice. The checkout lady was super nice and said for 11 cents more I could have a second bottle if I had time to drink it. I told her I'd be back later and she said no problem, just grab your second bottle then. So I ran across the bridge to Navarre and back, then through the public park area, then stopped at the gas station for more ice, my second bottle of water and I bought a bottle of Gatorade. I felt kind of bad handing her sweaty money so note to self, put money in a ziplock bag next time. On my way, I ran out to the edge of town and back again, capping of 17 miles.

Funny how it's hard to do simple math when you are over heated and tired. After my second water stop, I ran past our condo for the second time, saw 11.3 miles on my watch and calculated that I should turn around when I hit mile 14. At some point I figured out that was wrong and turned around at 14.25. Yep, another miss calculation had me run past the condo a third time to pick up that last tenth of a mile :-). When I got to the condo, I took the elevator to the tenth floor where we are staying. Sorry next person to ride the elevator, I usually take the stairs, but I was beat.

Should be a fun trip. My son brought a friend and had another meet us. My daughter is driving down today and is bringing two more friends, so we'll have eight of us total in the condo. Luckily we rented a big one again.

I may use this trip to make another attempt at becoming a morning person. Stay tuned...



  1. Oh how I remember the days of vacationing on Lake Michigan (in freaking HUMIDITY) and needing to do my super long runs. Got stung by a bee on my ankle when I took a little potty break in the bushes and had to run back 10 miles with that sucker killing me. Oh, vacation memories. But good for you for getting out there...I don't know how you guys do that humidity crap - it's been like 25% humidity here this past week and I want to slit my wrists ;). But seriously, good run and glad you're super anal about that distance thing and keep yourself honest! :)

    Enjoy the beach. Jealous. Except for the humidity! Family time is priceless!

  2. Way to get that 17 done. No small feat in perfect conditions, let alone heat and humidity. A total confidence builder for sure.

  3. I don't do morning. I have to every once in a while, but I hate them. And I am horrible at them. Kudos to you though for getting that run in during vacation! You're kind of a badass!

  4. Good job on the 17. Simple math is impossible while training - but you figure out a bunch of other things :)

  5. Great pictures. You got in the most important run....and sometimes that's all you can hope for on crazy weeks when life gets in the way. Well done!

  6. I like to run on vacation but you are putting some major miles on! Good for you. It is impossible to calculate when you are hot and tired while running.

  7. I actually enjoy vacation runs more than others. :) Way to get it in!
