Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 9 - Marathon Training

This week was our yearly beach vacation in Navarre Florida. Not the best time of year or location for running, but I made the best if it. I got up at 6 am every day and either ran or walked, logging 41 running miles in 6 days. Most ever on vacation.

The plan this week was 0-4-9-4-0-0-13 and actual was 9-0-9-0-6-0-13. The first 9 was a carry over from the week before. The last 6 was planned to be 9 but I shut the run down after 6 miles due to heat and humidity.

Vacation was fun with my daughter bringing two friends as well as my son bringing two friends.

Our daughter and two of her friends.


Our son (on the right) and two of his friends


I couldn't stay away from helping the kids with a castle.


The view the last night from the sound side of our condo.

Sign that cracked me up (middle school humor :-)) on my runs


Normal morning view before heading down to the beach.


Until next week....


  1. Looks like a great vacation! Great job logging so many miles!

  2. Serious commitment - great job getting all those runs in on vacation!

  3. WTG getting those miles in on vacay let alone the heat!

  4. You did great to get so many miles in. There is no place like a beach.
