Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 13 - Chicago Marathon Training

Another solid week of training. The plan was another big week 0-5-10-5-0-10-20. Actual was 13-0-6-6-0-20-4. Yep, biggest training week ever. Yep, my body is tired and sore and hungry. It's the kind of tired you get from training for a long endurance event like a marathon. It feels like I'm tired to the bone and have a hunger that can't be fufilled. Bacon cheeseburgers do help though :-).

The weather broke for my long run Saturday. It was wonderful, 65 degrees and a light rain. It was humid, but not like it has been lately. I felt pretty good until about mile 16 when I started to fatigue. By mile 20, I was ready to be done but I managed to keep all 20 miles under 11 minutes. Stairs were not my friend for the rest of the day but I really didn't feel that bad.

Sunday I was going to go out for 10 miles but by 2.5 miles my knees were barking so I shut it down and walked home. Better to live to fight another day for sure. It was a beautiful day for a walk for sure.

As seen on my walk home Sunday.


Everything is better with bacon :-).



  1. I always want to know how you get that cheese to encase the burger so well...I cut strips of cheese from a block and it never covers the entire burger. Who makes round cheddar cheese?

    Best comment ever, eh? :)

    Great training! Keep strong. And I got a new (loaner) watch so my pathetic paced miles are back on GC for ya! Lucky guy!

  2. Those burger cheeseburgers to be look so good!

    You are smart to stop running when things just begin to feel funny. That is a hard thing for me to do.

    You must be getting near taper. Good job on the 20.

  3. you are going to kill this race!

  4. If I become your friend IRL, can I come over for dinner? :p You're going to kill thsi race!

  5. You're getting so close! I'm excited for you!

  6. Hey Mike!

    That's a pretty heavy week!! You're smart for knowing when to hold it back for your knees. I made a huge mistake when I was younger and pushed through the pain, and now I'll always have problems with them. Now I'm probably over paranoid about them and don't push myself enough.

  7. I could have sworn I left a comment here before! :/ those are some tasty looking burgers!
    I hope you are running again by now, Mike! Knee pain is no fun.
