Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chicago Marathon Taper Time

I started tapering last weekend with my last double digit run (11 miles) and a 5 mile run. The taper continued this week with two missed weekday runs due to work and an 8 miler today. Not many miles left before the marathon a week from tomorrow.

It's starting to feel like fall, 47 degrees for my run this morning. Hoping for a nice cool day for the race. Right now, the forecast high is 60 with 80% chance of thunderstorms. Um, hold the storms please. Do people switch in to dry shoes at mile 18 or so? It seems like dry shoes and socks would feel like heaven about then.

This marathon taper feels different than my half ironman tapers. Maybe it's because the overall training hours are less or the load is focused on a smaller set of muscles. I've had less niggles, which is what I call those twinges that feel like you have a new injury but it turns out it's just your body healing (at least that's my theory). I've had more achy ness and stiffness after sitting still. Tonight when I laid down, both legs were throbbing which is a new one. No pain or uncomfortable feeling, just lots of blood pumping, presumably healing. No weird race dreams yet. Maybe because a running race is less complicated than a triathlon or maybe because I'm more worried about the painful aftermath than logistics.


  1. I hope the thunderstorms hold off and the marathon is everything you want it to be.

  2. So excited for you! You're so ready.

    I've been nervously watching next week's forecast because my son's outdoor wedding is Saturday. Hopefully both of our forecasts clear!

  3. My first BQ was in a constant rain. So I fully expect a BQ out of you! :)

    Phantom aches and pains are pretty common. Just roll with it, all will be okay race day!!

  4. Yay for taper! You've totally got this. Can't wait to stalk....I mean track you on race day and cheer from afar!

  5. Cannot believe it's race week already. Gosh I hope the rain holds off.
    After my first marathon (Chi '07) my legs throbbed like that all night. Had to take Tylenol. It was never anywhere near that bad again.

  6. Best of luck to you, hope the weather holds - your consistent training will pay off!

  7. Beautiful fall colors.

    Good luck this weekend! I'll be thinking of you!
