Here are some pictures from my fishing trip to Hayward Wisconsin last week. It has become a yearly trip I go on with my best friend and his brother. Spring came late this year in Northern Wisconsin,so we weren't sure what we were in for, but we knew we would have fun regardless. We arrived at 5:30 pm on Wednesday to 50 degrees and pouring rain. We fished anyway and it was miserable, but we had fun :-). We caught a few fish Wednesday night. Thursday was also cold and wet and our boat caught four fish all day (one for me). The fish just weren't interested in eating. Friday, the weather was getting nicer, but the fish were still lethargic. I caught one fish Friday. No problem though, we had plenty of beer, beef jerky, chili cheese chips, trail mix, and slim Jim's. Glad my cholesterol test was two weeks ago :-). Saturday was another beautiful day and the fishing picked up. I caught 22 fish Saturday and our boat caught 42 sealing our third straight fishing tournament win :-).

Didn't take pictures the first two days due to rain. Friday was like this.
Borrowed my friend's late father's (Putie) fishing hat since I forgot mine.
The air just smells clean up there.
No service. Perfect!
This was the first decent fish I caught and my friend had his finger over part of the lense. It means I can make up the size of the fish later, right? Got a good laugh about that one.
Beautiful day
My friend bought us matching hideous shirts which we saved for the last day of fishing. We all got quite a chuckle out of it :-).
Kurt with a nice bass.
I had to take a pic with my finger in the way :-).
Almost covered my face :-)
Surgery on a northern pike that swallowed a lure.
Me in "the shirt" :-)
Until next year...