After reading
Adam's post and
Marjorie's post on the subject I was reminded of the pics from my last half marathon (the one where I met
SuperKate). Kind of funny how I met Kate. I was giving a friend a ride to this race and when I picked him up in the morning, he asked if I minded giving someone else a ride. Of course I didn't mind. Anyway, on to the funny pictures. These pictures are a double bonus, not only do you get to see lots of swinging junk (not my junk), you get to see me getting chicked :-).
I'm not a cold weather person and this race was like 40 degrees. I wore a throw away sweat shirt at the start and throw away gloves. I was so cold, I thought I might want to put the gloves back on later in the race. I can't remember if I did or not but I shoved them in my pockets just in case. I've had some IT band issues while becoming an endurance race
athlete participant, so I had my IT band strap in one of my pockets too. with the pre-cursor, on to the show.
I think I was ahead of her here near the finish line. |
I was hurting |
What's going on with those shorts? |
Why do I do this to myself? |
Looks like I stole socks from Walmart and I'm running from the cops :-) |
Heel striker |
Am I done yet? |
Is that a goiter on my hip? |
I always raise my arms when I finish. I have no idea why. It's not like I won :-) |
Proof I was chicked at the end of this race (happens all the time) |
That reminds me, about half way through the race, I was
chicked grandma'd by a 60+ year old lady that was running so smoothly she looked like she was skating or flying. Smooth, fluid, efficient, and it appeared effortless. Rock on grand ma! After the race I was freezing and also immediately started shaking while waiting in line for what seemed like forever to get our bags. That race is my current half mary PR of 1:55:11. I'm going for 1:45 this fall at RnR St. Louis, barring injury or some life changing event. The last mile of the tempo run I did this morning was at my half mary goal race pace. Running 13.1 of them at that pace seems daunting at this point, but the race is in October. Good motivation to become a morning person :-).
Bahahaha...oh Mike! You finally made me smile today:) pics are hilarious with your comments. (did walmart cops ever catch you?)
That's a great time....considering you were hauling all that stuff in your pockets!:)
Something tells me you'll make goal time this year.
Your comments were even funnier than the pictures. :) I have some from November that are so bad that I can't bring myself to share them. :-/
You know you're going to run faster in a race than in training. Keep up the good work and that new PR is yours.
Holy goiter! What I find unbelievable is the sheer number of pics they took of you. I must be invisible or something.
All the best sharpening up that PR!
They sure got a lot of Chicklet in the center and you off to the side....why in the heck would they think you'd want to buy those ones is crazy. Unless Chicklet is cute ;).
Your comments are awesome. Sometimes we have to give up vanity for the sake of practicality. Yeah, no vanity in the way those shorts look. ;)
I love the "Why do I do this to myself?" question! I ask myself that all the time!
I hate knowing where the photographers are on a race cause I NEVER have had a good race picture
Whoa! What in the world is going on with your shorts... Haha!
This is an awesome post!! Thanks for posting!
I love the photos series! The expression of HURT in your face :) It's a good feeling. I have been grandma'd There are some VERY fast old ladies out there.
I personally dig the hat, brim perfectly folded per the guidelines of Dukes Of Hazzard.
I get grandma'd and grandpa'd ALL. THE. TIME. at races...I just didn't know what to call it. Thanks ;-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I get passed by pretty much everyone - that's what happens when you are a back of the packer. My favorite story was how I was once passed by someone who had one leg that was longer than the other - they were just limping by and still passed me.
I love this whole race outfit and the pics. I think you're silly ;)
The plan is from
It's like the second one I came across, and I thought "hey, that looks manageable". That was the extent of my research. I guess we'll see how effective it is come April. :)
These are great pics! Love the hands in the air at the finish!
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