Monday, September 1, 2014

Week 12 - Chicago Marathon Training

This week was a recovery week. Planned was 0-5-6-5-0-6-12, actual was 0-5-0-5-0-0-6. I moved the long run to Monday since it's a holiday and we had company for a few days. I hit 161 miles for the month of August which is the biggest monther ever by far. I'll skip the boring graph :-).

My sister and her family came to town from Boston Wednesday night. My parents came to town Wednesday as well to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Thursday they all went to the zoo then the arch while I worked. Thursday night, we met at Fitz's for dinner and root beer floats. Friday I took the day off and we all went to Grant's Farm and did the Clydesdale tour then did family pictures.

Can't remember the names of these two horses but they have been in at least one of the Budweiser commercials.

My niece and nephews.

Saturday we went to the Science center then had a cookout. We had a great long weekend hanging out.

My grilling helpers.

Slight rain delay.

One of three grills I had going. One other one was half full of chicken and the third had asparagus, green beans and garlic in foil pouches.

Garlic, asparagus and green beans.





Kate Geisen said...

Your training is insane. I can't imagine a 161-mile month. You're a machine. That said, I ran 12 miles today (instead of Saturday) too. I'd say we should run together, but my runs are soooooo slooooooow right now. Also, that's your easy run right now. Glad you're the one with the upcoming marathon and not me!

And your food, as always, looks/sounds amazing.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive monthly mileage. Congrats to your parents for 50 years. Looks like all did some fun tourist things while visiting.

One Crazy Penguin said...

I love the Clydesdales!

And your food always looks so so good!