Things are coming together for the
private HIM October 2nd. It looks like we'll have four racers. Cheryl asked how many people were racing and I said four, me, Kate, and a couple guys I met on the Internet :-).
I have some work to do getting the transition area/aid station area together. It's a bit of a mess right now.
needs a little work |
Training has been going fairly well. I had an 11 mile hot run Saturday and felt strong for most of it. I did start running out of gas at the end and actually started to walk at at about mile 10. The mental challenge began. Funny things go through your mind after running an hour and 45 minutes in 95 degree heat. Lots of mental games. A million reasons why to stop, very few why to keep going. When I get to this place, I sometimes think about a story I've shared before. Sometime about 10 years ago a neighbor kid was walking by pushing a tractor and talking to himself. I don't remember exactly what he was saying anymore except for the punch line. He said, "c'mon Mr. Rabbit it's just me and you and you push". Cracks me up every time :-). BTW, that kid now runs an 18 minute 5k in high school. Back to my run, I won.....
On to some cooking news. I had a couple friends at work tell me about a couple simple recipes this week so I figured I would try them. The first was grilled tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes in half, brush on some olive oil, put on some cracked pepper then five minutes per side with the last couple covered in cheese. I used an Italian blend of Mozzarella, Parmesan, Provolone and spices. It was simple to make and tasted fantastic!
yum, tomatoes! |
The second recipe was grilled peaches. Cut the peaches in half and pit them. Grill them open side down for a couple minutes then skin side down for a couple minutes. Then drizzle some honey and coat with granola. These turned out pretty good too.
Peaches! |
I've made somerthing like those tomatoes. Good stuff.
I know what you mean about the mental games. Near the end of my run today--like the last quarter mile--I just stopped running. Wasn't any worse than usual, just stopped. And then I thought, Why are you walking?? and ran again.
Three guys now, huh? You get another ironman to further show me up? :) Oh, well, at least I have a pretty good chance of placing In the female division. ;D
I wish I could make the Private HIM even if the swim would take me all day. Las Vegas is just too tempting.
Don't knock Internet friends... I married one on Saturday! :)
Those tomatoes look amazing! long did you say it would take me to drive to your place for this HIM? I REALLY wish I could be there.
Mind Games....mine are worst while I run. Oh. And at 3am in the mornings when I wake up worrying about anything and everything:D
"just you and me and you push". That's classic. It was crazy hot here on Saturday too, things are cooling off.
Those grilled tomatoes and peaches look great. I wonder how grilled apples would be? We just bought a ton of Calhoun County apples and I don't really know what to do with them.
Grilled fruits & veggies- SO yum!! I love grilled pineapple. The peaches sound sweet.
I once drove 30 hours straight to get from here to SanDiego. Im assuming I could drive to your hometown in just over that. The only difference is that I knew at the end of my last drive I got to jump on a cruise ship and sleep it off for 10 days. I dont know how I would do in a HIM after driving that long consistently. I would probably end up helping your buddy man the aid station....
I will keep saving air miles for when you have your next one:(
hey! You should consider airing least then I could pretend to be there....and cheer you all on!:)
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